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San Da / San Shou (Free Sparring) Series DVDs

The series of San Da/ San Shou dvds(DW055-DW059) is demonstrated and explained by Yang Xiaojun, who used to be a famous Sanda athlete and holds a 7th Duan Wei officially awarded by the Chinese Government National Martial Arts Association, and is now an associate professor of sanda of Tianjin Physical Culture Institute and Chinese national first level judge of wushu Sanda. The Sanda dvds introduces detailed information of Sanda theory and Sanda application experience.

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DW056 - Leg Tachniques in Combat
Lecturer: Yang Xiaojun
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / French / Spanish / Chinese
Duration: Double DVDs 109 mins
Artist:Yang Xiaojun

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DW057-1 Knees & Elbows Techniques
Lecturer: Yang Xiaojun
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / French / Spanish / Chinese
Duration: 60 mins
Artist:Yang Xiaojun

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DW057-2 Wrestling Skills
Lecturer: Yang Xiaojun
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / French / Spanish / Chinese
Duration: 61 mins
Artist:Yang Xiaojun

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DW58 - Body Techniques & Defense Techniques of Hands
Lecturer: Yang Xiaojun
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / French / Spanish / Chinese
Duration: 61 mins
Artist:Yang Xiaojun

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DW59 - Hit Exercise & Hit-resistive Exercise
Lecturer: Yang Xiaojun
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / French / Spanish / Chinese
Duration: 63 mins
Artist:Yang Xiaojun

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