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DVDs from Dr Xianglin Li , UK

Tai Chi DVDs Image
TJYS108001 Tai Chi 11 Short Form (Fellow-me) DVD
Chen Style Tai Chi 11 Short Form Fellow-me DVD was a 50 mintues fellow-me session with Dr Xianglin Li. This Fellow-me DVD is suitable for people of all ages and levels of physical fitness. It is even very good for people who has never done Tai Chi before or has a little knowledge about Tai Chi. The DVD includes Tai Chi warm-up, silk reeling energy, Toist Ba Duan Jin Qigong exercises and Chen Style Tai Chi 11 Short Form and sitting down meditation in the end.
Publisher: Tai Chi For Life, Manchester, UK
URL: www.taichiforlife.uk

Five Animals Playing Qigong  DVDs Image
TJYS108002 Five Animals Playing Qigong (Fellow-me) DVD
It was said that Five Animals Playing Qigong or Wu Qin Xi Qigong in Chinese was created by a famous Chinese ancient Doctor Hua Tuo, who observed five type of animals' actions and behaviors including Tiger, Deer, Bear, Ape and Bird, and combined them with Chinese Medicine Theories such as Joints and Channels, Daoying (Guiding andVisualization), Qi and Blood Circulation etc. to develop the exercise. When practicing you need to show tiger's might, deer's peacefulness and briskness, bear's steadiness, app's agility and bird's slim and graceful features. The exercise is easy to learn and easy to follow, also does not require a big space and thereforeit is very convenient for participants to practice at anywhere like home or outside in your garden. This DVD is a 58 minutes fellow-me session with Xianglin, which includes Warm-up, Silk Reeling Energy, and Primary Health-care Qigong and Five Animals Playing Qigong exercises.
Publisher: Tai Chi For Life, Manchester, UK
URL: www.taichiforlife.uk

Tai Chi Fan 24 Form Demonstration
Tai Chi Fan 24 Form Demo DVD
Chen Tai Chi Fan 24 Form was originally created by Grandmaster Kongjie Gou, and modified by Xianglin Li. This is a modified version demonstrated by Xianglin Li, which is a NTSC compatible DVD version.
Media:dvd (NTSC Compatible)
Publisher: Xianglin Li, Manchester, UK

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